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GUEST BLOG: Creativity is not just about making art - Jenn Ocken @thrivwithjenn

Amidst the whirlwind of shifts, pivots, and relentless self-reflection, I’ve always found a beacon of light in creative expression. This summer, while managing growth and expansion, I realized the immense value of preserving time for creativity and play. Despite all the harsh truths and false beliefs I was confronting, I balanced them with cherishing every moment of creative accomplishment I could afford myself. And one of the most delightful outlets has been my involvement in an improv team.

Improv is my creative play of choice at the moment. And during this summertime reflection, I am grateful that it was established as one of my non-negotiable activities.

The Importance of Creative Expression

Improv has offered me joy, confidence, and a much-needed distraction – all of which I protect at all costs. It’s become a sanctuary where I can explore, laugh, and grow in ways I never anticipated.

Creativity, as I’ve discovered, is a skill we all possess. Like any skill, it gets stronger the more we use it. Whether or not you see yourself as a creative person, tapping into this inherent ability can transform your personal and professional life.

Choosing a creative expression, like improv, not only invites you to level up your confidence but also encourages you to be more interactive with your life, enhancing your sense of both motivation and intuition. In the past, I have used learning to play guitar, taking songwriting classes, and joining a body movement class. I also use collaging my vision boards, arranging my art, and decorating my home as a way of telling a personal story. Creative writing and journaling are also outlets I cherish.

Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills

Creativity is the cornerstone of effective problem-solving. When you engage in creative activities, you learn to approach challenges from different angles. This flexibility in thinking allows you to generate innovative solutions and overcome obstacles with ease. By exercising your creative muscles, you become adept at seeing possibilities where others see roadblocks.

Boosting Leadership Skills

Leadership is about inspiring and guiding others toward a common goal. Creative expression fosters empathy, vision, and adaptability – all crucial traits for a great leader. Engaging in creative endeavors helps you understand diverse perspectives, communicate more effectively, and lead with confidence and compassion.

Cultivating Self-Motivation

Creativity ignites passion and enthusiasm, which are the fuels of self-motivation. When you immerse yourself in a creative activity you enjoy, it brings a sense of fulfillment and purpose. This intrinsic motivation drives you to pursue your goals relentlessly and stay committed to your vision, even when faced with challenges.

Inspiring Innovation

Innovation is born from creativity. The ability to think outside the box and explore uncharted territories is what propels us forward. By nurturing your creative spirit, you open yourself up to new ideas and perspectives that can lead to groundbreaking innovations. Creativity is the spark that lights the fire of progress and transformation.

My Joy of Improv

Even amidst the chaos of this summer, I found solace and excitement in improv. Initially, I joined to enhance my wit, responsiveness, as well as public speaking and conversational skills. But it has given me so much more.

Meet Butterr—yes, with two Rs! Back in my early improv days, I'd often hesitate and blurt out "Butter!" as a quirky placeholder. And why the extra R? Well, it's a hat tip to our very own Petterr (yep, he spells it with two Rs too!). Want to dive deeper into our unique blend of comedy? Check out our latest feature in Bold Journey!

Improv taught me valuable life lessons that are also the pillars of this art form – being present, saying "yes and," and embracing mistakes as opportunities. You have everything you need no matter what is presented to you on stage and in life! These lessons have made me a better speaker and improved my ability to handle on-the-spot Q&A sessions with live audiences. Below I am going to break down the 9 Principles Poehler teaches in her Masterclass on Improv and principles I not only strive to accomplish while I am on stage but also in life and while I am working.

Poehler’s 9 principles of improv:

Keep Saying Yes

  • Improv Context: In improv, saying "yes" means accepting whatever your scene partner offers. It keeps the scene moving forward and opens up endless possibilities.

  • Life Application: In life and work, embracing a "yes" mentality fosters openness and adaptability. It encourages you to welcome new opportunities, ideas, and challenges with a positive attitude.

Be a Good Listener

  • Improv Context: Listening is crucial in improv. It ensures that you are fully present and responsive to your scene partners, creating a cohesive and engaging performance.

  • Life Application: Good listening skills enhance communication, understanding, and relationships. By truly hearing others, you build trust and create more meaningful connections.

Find Your Team

  • Improv Context: Successful improv relies on strong team dynamics. Finding your team means surrounding yourself with supportive, like-minded individuals who elevate each other’s performances.

  • Life Application: In any endeavor, having a supportive network is key. Building a team of collaborators who share your vision and values can propel you towards achieving your goals.

Finding the Game

  • Improv Context: The "game" in improv refers to the core idea or pattern that makes a scene funny and engaging. Identifying and playing the game keeps the audience entertained.

  • Life Application: In creative projects and problem-solving, finding the central theme or unique angle can make your work stand out. It’s about identifying what makes your approach special and leveraging it.

Take Up Space

  • Improv Context: Taking up space means being confident and assertive on stage. It’s about owning your presence and contributing fully to the scene.

  • Life Application: In life, taking up space is about self-confidence and assertiveness. It’s recognizing your worth and ensuring your voice is heard in both personal and professional settings.

Can’t Be Halfway In

  • Improv Context: Commitment is crucial in improv. You need to be fully invested in your character and the scene to make it believable and engaging.

  • Life Application: Success requires full commitment. Whether it’s a project, a relationship, or a personal goal, being all in ensures you give it your best effort and maximize your chances of success.

Don’t Bail on Your Partners

  • Improv Context: In improv, you rely on your scene partners to build and sustain the performance. Bailing on them disrupts the flow and can ruin the scene.

  • Life Application: In collaborative efforts, reliability and support are crucial. Sticking with your team through challenges strengthens relationships and leads to better outcomes.

Don’t Worry About Being Cool

  • Improv Context: Trying to be cool can hinder authenticity and spontaneity in improv. It’s more important to be genuine and fully engaged.

  • Life Application: Authenticity is valued over superficial coolness. Being true to yourself and your values resonates more with others and leads to deeper, more meaningful interactions.

Playing with Status

  • Improv Context: Status refers to the social hierarchy between characters in a scene. Playing with status dynamics can create interesting and humorous interactions.

  • Life Application: Understanding and navigating social dynamics is important in many areas of life. Whether in leadership, teamwork, or social situations, being aware of status can help you communicate and interact more effectively.

You can find me and my team performing at the Boomerang Comedy Theater

Practical Takeaways

These principles offer more than just a guide to improv; they provide a roadmap for enhancing creativity, leadership, and personal growth. Here’s how you can start integrating them into your daily life:

  • Practice Active Listening: Make a conscious effort to truly listen in your conversations. Notice how it changes your interactions and the depth of your connections.

  • Embrace Opportunities: Say "yes" to new challenges and ideas. Step out of your comfort zone and see where it leads you.

  • Build Your Support Network: Identify the people who inspire and support you. Cultivate these relationships and collaborate with them on your projects.

  • Be Confident and Assertive: Own your space and let your voice be heard. Recognize your worth and contribute your ideas confidently.

  • Commit Fully: Whether it’s a small task or a major project, give it your all. Show up with dedication and passion.

  • Stay Authentic: Let go of the need to impress others. Focus on being genuine and true to yourself.

This week, I challenge you to engage in a creative activity you enjoy and reflect on its impact on your well-being. It could be anything – painting, writing, dancing, cooking, or even joining an improv class! Notice how it makes you feel and how it influences your thoughts and actions.

Creativity is not just about making art; it’s about finding joy, solving problems, leading with empathy, motivating yourself, and inspiring innovation. It’s a vital part of personal and professional growth. Embrace it, nurture it, and let it guide you toward a more fulfilled and dynamic life.

Until next time, keep thriving, keep creating, and remember: Your path is uniquely yours!

Creatively Yours,


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